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Friday, July 27, 2012

A Crown For the Princess!

I have been on a crochet kick lately! I taught myself! Well, to be honest, YOUTUBE taught me how! Its not as hard as one would think and its actually really relaxing. I can only do it for so long until my hands start to cramp up. =( BUT I made managed to make a crown for Princess Millie. I used this tutorial by youtuber bobwilson123 and so happy with the result! She wears it often (crazy hair days) and it fits her perfectly. =)

Millie, 4 and a half months

"Proud Princess!"


A little something Im working on. I should be done with it soon!!! I will definitely post a picture when Im done!!!!


Craft Club July: Dryer Duct Pumpkins

I've been apart of a craft club that meets once a month. About 12 of us get together and make one craft. This has to be one of my favorite crafts Ive ever done! It was really simple and pretty quick to assemble. Bummed that I didnt take pictures of the process but it really is pretty simple. You guys are smart cookies ;)

Supplies: Dryer duct that can be found here. They have several different sizes which would make for some awesome variety in the pumpkin sizes. Also needed, Orange or even a cream colored spray paint, scissors, hot glue gun, cinnamon sticks, and raffia for a little extra pizazz ;)

Luckily for us, our friend (and host) and her husband cut the duct before we got there. If I had to guestimate how long, I'd say 20ish? inches!
Pictured above are our pumpkins already got glued together. Caution!!! If you dont want to lose your finger prints I suggest you be extra careful when hot gluing your duct together. My friend Kimberlie took one for the team and hot glued a few of them while we held them together! Thanks Kimberlie!!

 Right after spray painting! We let them dry for about 25-30 minutes 

And this would be the finish product. I ended up gluing the 3 cinnamon sticks together for added durability and then glued them into the middle and added raffia. I know its only July but Autumn happens to be my FAVORITE time of year and I just cant start soon enough!! Im so glad Steph chose this project!!! It just got me soooo excited for Fall!!!!!!!

I cant wait to make some more of these guys. 


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back in Action!! Storage Bin Picture Tutorial

I cant believe its been over a year and a half that I havent updated this blog.... shows you how busy I've been.... (not really)

I'm back and crafty-er then ever!!! Just wanted to post what I did today. This took me about thirty minutes and Im in love with the outcome!!! I saw something similar on pinterest but did not bother to follow the link to read the instructions. I like to think Im a smart cookie and can figure it out myself!! 

One thing about having another baby in the house is they come along with a lot of stuff!! Toys, clothes, swinging apparatuses "equipment" you get the picture.... Another new found revelation... They need diapers... I know right?! I thought I was done with that expense when Frankie was potty trained! Welp..... I always say, "Go big or go home." And purchasing diapers is no exception to the rule.... Case in point... Large empty box after stowing diapers in the appropriate container...

 Supplies needed: box, duct tape, scissors and wrapping paper. I know, a lot of stuff to conger up...

This step you may omit but I chose to do... For one, I'm too lazy to cut the flaps off and two, I wanted to give it extra durability.

So fold the flaps down, simple enough

Tape flaps down. Note: with this particular box I had to add a few extra pieces of tape to keep it from unsticking.

wrap paper around box. I cut 4 different times and probably did it the hardest way possible. Because, again, I'm cool like that... But I love the wrapping paper... it makes me happy! =)
Also note the tape to hold the side pieces in place. I didnt mind taping on the outside because.... wait, you'll see why in a minute....

Sorry for the blur. its hard to tape a box and take a picture! Im not Wonder Woman! sheesh!
This is why.... I added a full size piece of tape around the whole top edge of the box to give it a modern look. My kids kept asking who's birthday it was... Mommy isnt a wrapper! hahahaa

Finished product! 

Proud Crafty Pants!

  add toys!!!

And its temporary home is here on our oh so glamorous changing table (insert blah face here) 
Eventually that will be a project in and of itself.... I cant complain. We got it for free AND Marley our English Bulldog decided she'd like to chew on it while we were out and about one day. =) 

Well there you have it. It feels good to be crafting as much as I have... (hardly ever)
But I promise to upload more for my 2 followers! (dont hold your breath)

Momma Mari Crafty Pants

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Mari Got Her Groove Back....

WOW! I cant believe its been almost a YEAR since I last blogged! Ive been busy making babies, losing one. =( But growing another beautiful life inside of me. She will make her grand entrance into this world hopefully around Valentines Day! Which just happens to be one of my top 3 favorite holidays =0).

I tried my hardest to craft a much as I could and a lot of my work never made it on here, sadly. I even had my own craft room. But life got in the way and before I knew it I was packing up my craft room and getting ready for baby....

OF COURSE as the laws of attraction would have it, the day I packed up my craft room, I start to really get into it again.

WHY!? You may ask?! One word. One website. One new addiction......


UGHH I could spend the whole day on there! For the first month, all I did was pin things to my boards. It wasnt till the second month that I started to get into it and just now, am I actually starting to recreate these wonderful projects. I will post on the few things I have actually completed. Key word: FEW. =) Baby steps!

But I do find myself walking into a thrift store and really looking outside of the box. Letting my imagination run wild and imagining what the item could potentially be! I have learned to see and seek beauty in even the ugliest of things. =)

I will post pictures now.......


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First Blog....Ever

After much research, and countless hours of snooping I am throwing my hands up in the air and have come to the realization that Im just going to do things my way! Love it or leave it! I'm doing me!
I just recently purchased my FIRST Cricut Machine! The smallest of the bunch. The Cricut Personal Cutting Machine.

Below is a picture of my daughter Lo, yes in curlers cause she's awesome like that ;)

 I am beyond excited to share this journey with you! So far I purchased the Rock Princess Cart and the Old West Cart as well. Im thinking of having my son's bday party be Old West themed. We will see. So come along on my adventure. All things crafty, and life related!
Keep it crafty,